Can Your Twitter Account Hurt Your Brand?

You might be surprised to hear people ask the question ‘Does Your Twitter Account Help or Hurt Your Brand? You may have good reason to think this way. You could be making some serious mistakes with your Twitter Account and not even be aware of it. Poorly managed social media platforms like Twitter can hurt your brand. There might be some critical areas concerning your tweeting and Twitter profile that are being overlooked.

Branding Your Profile

Most business people do not devote enough time and effort when setting up their profile. You need to remember that most consumers will experience their first interaction with you when coming across your Twitter feed. They would want to learn a bit more about you and check out your profile as a result.
It is your job to make things easier for them by incorporating a logo, tagline and factual information about your business. Nowadays Twitter allows you to include a larger image when doing your profile. You need to make the most of this extra space and brand your business properly.

Consistency When Tweeting

Business owners are not consistent enough when it comes to tweeting. This can definitely hurt your brand. The last thing you want is to ignore your Twitter account due to taking care of other important matters to do with your business.

In order to avoid this from happening, you need to set up an editorial calendar of tweets you can use on a regular basis. There are even social media applications that will let you schedule your tweets ahead of time. This means you can set some time aside on any given day to do all your posts in advance.

Hire Multiple People To Help You Tweet

Another thing that can hurt your branding would be to hire the wrong person such as a school or college kid to do your tweets. Their lack of experience may just open up your business to and E & O (Errors and Omissions) claim.

It would be better to make use of multiple people who have some marketing knowledge, and have them briefed on what is expected from them when tweeting about your business. At this point when asked ‘Does Your Twitter Account Help or Hurt Your Brand?’ you could truthfully answer that it can go either way. It all depends on who you make use of to do your tweeting for you.

Ignoring Comments

Never ever ignore comments in social media such as when someone mentions you in their tweets. Social media is a two way street. You would not ignore a phone when it is ringing, would you? The same is true about comments being posted about you. You need to check in from time to time to see if any comments or replies about your brand.

Your Tweets can make or break your business. Always ensure your brand is seen in a positive light. Taking the necessary precautions concerning your Twitter Account will go a long way in establishing your business and getting others to promote your brand for you.

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Bernadine H. Bratton is focused in publishing blog posts, being that she is currently an in house blogger of a company. When it comes to social media, she increases their brand’s presence and she knows when to buy Twitter followers for a campaign to be effective.
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